Blog Archives

Review: The Walking Dead “18 Miles Out”

Casting News for The Walking Dead

David Morrissey has been cast as The Governor which will be a familiar character to those of you familiar with the graphic novel. If you’re me (which you aren’t, I get that) then you’re excited because you know and love Morrisey’s background with a certain Doctor Who Chistmas episode from the Tennant era. Also, if you’re familiar with his range you might have caught his crazy performance in Our Mutual Friend. If you’re not familiar with his work then let me assure you that this casting is a wonderful wonderful thing.

Thanks deadline

Preview: The Walking Dead “18 Miles Out”

I still have issues. I will be back to discuss those issues after the episode airs on Sunday. But the last standing thing that still holds me to the show will be the Walkers. And this episode will not disappoint your insatiable desire for their screen time. And just so you can be on the lookout, my favorite Walker moment was in regards to a Walker that was a great distance away.

The Walking Dead airs Sunday at 9/8c on AMC.

See you Sunday night after the episode back here for a full review.

The Walking Dead Walker Montage Movie Sprinkled With Some Behind the Scenes Flashes

How’s about a Walker Montage just before you were about to head to bed? You. Are. Welcome. In this video we can see all of the gory Zombie nastiness, and a few touches of the concept before it became reality. Don’t tell AMC, but I enjoyed this more than last night’s episode. Catch The Walking Dead Sundays on AMC.

Via TV Guide

Review: The Walking Dead “Triggerfinger”

Preview: The Walking Dead “Triggerfinger”

The Walking Dead “Nebraska” Review

End of the Year Review